LEAD YOUR HOMESCHOOL CO-OP | Community Building, Servant Leadership, Conflict Resolution, Policies and Procedures

Welcome to Lead Your Homeschool Co-op! Do you desire a Christian community with families that fit? Do you find yourself up late at night googling “conflict resolution” and “how to build a community”? Do you dream of a sustainable homeschool group only to feel discouraged when policies fail, logistics get in the way or a conflict comes up again? Hello! We are the Homeschool Community Builders.Together, we have more than 30 years of experience in leading successful homeschool groups. But at one time, we too were in co-ops that did not work for our families. We needed deep relationships and a community that would help our families grow in faith, In order to be a part of a sustainable Christian community, we stepped out in faith and trusted God’s plan to build the community that we desired. In this podcast, we will help you create Christ-centered policies, establish a close-knit culture, and develop strong leadership skills so that you can serve your community well. So grab a pen and paper, be ready to take some notes, and be encouraged. You can do this! Want resources, training, tips and tricks? Become an insider and get the latest freebies and info! Click https://lead-your-homeschool-co-op.gr-site.com/

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4 days ago

Do you have a unique question and don’t know where to go to find the answer?  Maybe you have a question about laws, record keeping, online classes, or just need advice and want to know what others are doing, but no one seems to have a similar situation to give you sound advice.  Look no further, the HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) has free resources and advice for homeschool leaders!  Tune in for part 2 of our interview with HSLDA’s homeschool leader advocate, Darren Jones.
HSLDA Website: https://hslda.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu-63BhC9ARIsAMMTLXRi3zrqYcK04NZKUxOZyrenuvu0_lLVvScD5njOwAjOPztS8KyaLgYaAv39EALw_wcB
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Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Oct 03, 2024

Are you worried about legal issues with your co-op or with your families?  Do you need advice on documents, legal entities or other issues?  Today’s interview with HSLDA lawyer, Darren Jones will be so encouraging for you! Listen in to find out all the ways that HSLDA can support your co-op and support you as leader! I’m sure you will hear something that you didn’t know before.  
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. – Psalm 62:5-6
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com
HSLDA email: groupservices@hslda.org

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024

On our last live Q&A in facebook Hannah led us in a conversation about insurance for your co-op. If it is feeling like an overwhelming mystery. Take a breath, relax.  Help is on the way. Here is a recap along with some resources to get you started.
theeventhelper.com (community day)
https://www.eventsured.com (dance)
https://ncginsurance.com/ NCG Insurance
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Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Sep 19, 2024

Are you wondering what you should be prepared for when planning a field trip? Are there things you should think about in advance in order to make the whole process and trip a lot smoother? If you have never planned something on a larger scale, you may be feeling a little anxious about your first field trip. Today we hope to give you the confidence you need to plan and enjoy your first field trip with your community.
Ecclesiastes 1:13  I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. 
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Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to have a crucial conversation, but opinions are strong, stakes are high and emotions are rolling like Niagara falls?  We try to handle conflict God’s way using Matthew 18, but how many times does it seem like our approach fails miserably and we either can’t solve the problem? We make it worse by hurting others or by trying to keep ourselves from being hurt. In today’s episode, we are doing a review of the book Crucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler.  Listen now to find out why you should add this tool to your leadership repertoire!
James 1:19-20  Be quick to listen, but slow to speak. And be slow to become angry
Find it here on Amazon - https://a.co/d/7iy42lo
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Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Do you lack committed board members on your leadership team? Is your board lacking unity? Are you wondering why your board is not functioning smoothly? In today’s episode, we want to focus on the characteristics that are necessary to develop as a leader. These biblical principles are characteristics that God calls all Christians to, but especially as leaders, we need to intentionally consider how these principles can help us serve those who are in our communities and also function as a board in a manner that is worthy to be emulated.  
Integrity - Titus 2:7 ESV
Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity
Courage - Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Respect - Philippians 2:2-4then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
 Humility - Ephesians 4:2 
 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Aug 29, 2024

Leaders - have you ever had the experience of hearing about problems in the classroom AFTER the school year is over? You might find out that your teachers are frustrated, your students are misbehaving, your parents are in the dark, and you were totally unaware until it was too late to do anything about it.  That is a very frustrating moment.  It really might be because you are missing this one crucial piece of the puzzle.  What is it?  Open lines of communication.  If you can promote a culture of open communication between parents and teachers, your co-op will reap great rewards.  Stay with us to hear about how you can set up your co-op to promote communication!
Proverbs 19:20: Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

It’s August, and it is time to close registration for your homeschool co-op, right?  Or do you keep it open because you have families that are interested but have not yet made a decision? Do you allow more people to join at the last minute or even after classes have started?  If you are not bursting at the seams, and you want to bolster your numbers, and be available to accept homeschoolers jumping on at the last moment, do you leave your registration open?  Today we would like to discuss some of the things you might want to think about when deciding how to manage your registrations and those wishy-washy families that can’t seem to make a decision!
Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Aug 15, 2024

It's mid-August! Can you believe the summer is winding down and it's almost time for school to start and our co-ops to begin meeting again? That means it's time to be thinking about your first day of your community meeting together! The first couple weeks will set the tone for your community, so it is important to try to have a successful start. You will have new people joining you, so we thought it would be fun today to give you some ideas of great ice breakers you can do to kick off your first day of class.  If you, as a listener, have more ideas, please post them in our facebook group.  
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! – Psalm 32:11
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

Are you waking up in the middle of the night in a panic with all the things you need to add to your to-do list to get ready for the first day of your co-op? Are you panicking because you don’t even have a list and you know you should, but you don’t even know where to start or what should be the priority? The clock is ticking and you want to be ready. Take a deep breath and relax. Here are 5 simple questions to get you organized and help you think through this process. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or perfect right out of the gate. Give yourself grace to make changes over time and adjust your expectations, knowing that this is an ongoing process.  You are building a community to grow together in faith and it takes time.
1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
Proverbs 30:25 The ants are not a strong people, but they prepare their food in the summer
Next Steps: 
Schedule a coaching call: 
 Join our Facebook group- Lead Your Homeschool Co-op https://www.facebook.com/groups/72507320516066
Become a Lead Your Homeschool Co-op Insider and get first dibs on valuable resources to help you lead, organize, and connect your community.  www.homeschoolcommunitybuilders.com


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